Speaking truth! Speaking truth to Power! Working for a Sustainable Southeast Queens!

EQA Viewpoints—Where We Stand!

At EQA takes positions on various topics and subjects that are of critical concern to our communities that fall under our Areas of Emphasis. They include topics such as the environmental preservation, environmental justice, health, community planning, sustainability and any other topics that we believe are important to life in our communities. See our white paper, “A Comprehensive Plan—Maximizing Quality of Life in Southeast Queens” published in 2005, for an overall discussion of quality of life issues in our community.

COVID and Environmental Justice

The COVID pandemic has revealed some stark inequities in our black and brown communities and their profoundly tragic consequences, with African Americans being twice as likely to suffer the most devastating outcomes of the virus. COVID-19 feeds off of chronic illnesses that are prevalent in our communities, including diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, and obesity. Note: These are the very communities labeled as “Environmental Justice” communities, because of the disproportionate burdens they suffer. Click to view more

EQA Comments on FAA Draft Order 1050

These comments are made in response to the Federal Register notice on the above-cited draft order (Fed. Reg. page 49596, 8/14/2013). The Order defines and/or redefines the guidelines for EA, EIS, and Categorical Exclusions. It is our contention that it weakens the requirements for the public input about topics, projects, etc. that are of vital concern to the communities affected by Airport related actions. It serves to broaden the circumstances under which the FAA can avoid environmental review of operational changes, including flight paths, runway extensions, land acquisition, and a whole host of other measures outlined under Categorical Exclusions. Click here to view more

Idlewild Park - Under Attack by PANYNJ?

For more than ten years, the Eastern Queens Alliance (EQA) has been working to save Idlewild Park Preserve. In 2003, we protested against the rezoning of 25.4 acres of the parkland that the city sold to International Air Cargo, Inc. to build an air cargo industrial park. It turned out this was a “done deal.” Now we are struggling to preserve over 700 trees on the western side of this valuable 325-acre preserve which forms the headwaters to Jamaica Bay. Is this a “done deal” too? Click here to view more

Where We Stand - the NYPD Impound Lot

The Eastern Queens Alliance is adamantly opposed to the siting of the NYPD Impound Lot on Rockaway Boulevard in Springfield Gardens, NY. For the past several years, the stretch of land along Rockaway Boulevard, just north of JFK Airport, has attracted projects that pollute the air we breathe, pollute our groundwater, and only bring more smog, congestion, and traffic into our area. None of them benefit the community. Click Here to view more

The Air We Breathe

South East queens Located adjacent to the JFK airport is perceived to be the target of air pollutants from the JFK Airport and associated industries. The area has a concentration of transportation airport-related industries and a significant absence of green spaces. Summer evenings are sometimes interrupted by the permeating odors of jet fuel. Airplanes and other combustion source engines are recognized sources of particulates. Click Here to view more